Florida Greenways & Trails Foundation

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St. Johns River-to-Sea Loop

by Tim Baylie, board member

The St. Johns River-to-Sea Loop (SJR2C) is a 260-mile paved multi-use trail project underway in northeast Florida. It runs through five Florida counties, to include St. Johns County, Putnam County, Flagler County, Volusia County, and Brevard County.

It includes the entire Palatka-to-St. Augustine State Trail, East Central Regional Rail Trail, and the Spring to Spring Trail, and is part of the 3,000-mile East Coast Greenway. It also overlaps with the Florida Coast-to-Coast Trail, and the Heart of Florida Trail.

What started with a small budget and a desire to improve the quality of life for residents morphed into a well-funded, professionally designed, nonmotorized transportation system that is promoted and supported by a host of local, state, and federal partners.

The SJR2C, as well as the Florida Coast-to-Coast Trail, are currently the top two long-distance regional trails receiving funding through the Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Program administered by the Florida Department of Transportation. Local governments are also providing funding for some sections along the route.

Although there are still some incomplete sections, there are many long stretches of paved trails of the loop that feature beautiful scenery, amazing state, county and local parks, preserves, springs, beaches, and waterways with fascinating history and outdoor experiences.

Encountering wildlife, enjoying the natural landscapes, and appreciating the intricate balance of Florida's ecosystem becomes a daily experience for those traversing the loop.

As trails like the SJR2C continue to expand and connect, they enhance the fabric of the communities they pass through, linking neighborhoods, revitalizing economies, and encouraging an active lifestyle.

The vision for Florida's trail systems is ambitious, seeking to create a network that provides safe, enjoyable, and accessible trails for all Floridians and visitors.